Monday, January 30, 2012

7 foods

Tomorrow Scott and I end our 1 month of eating 7 foods!*  We enjoyed chicken, eggs, sweet potatoes, apples, spinach, avocados and whole wheat bread for the month of January!  With the exception of dinner on January 28th we did not deviate from the 7 foods.  (I turned 42 on the 28th so we celebrated over brick-oven pizza and Ben and Jerry's ice cream!) 

There are so many reasons why I am thankful we did this 'experiment'/fast.  I don't think I could have done it without my husband.  Together we realized how much excessive eating we were doing.  We also realized how much power we were giving to food and learned that the power was ours when we denied ourselves and said "no" to certain foods.  Also, when we were tempted to eat a non-7 item, we prayed.  We turned to God and not to pretzels, cheese, cookies... and were more than satisfied.  Maybe not the first week, but we grew more disciplined as time went on.  Today we feel healthier, happier and more clear-headed. 

Our church fast ends this weekend (Super Bowl Sunday!).  We may continue the 7 foods until then or may eliminate coffee which wasn't part of the 7 foods, but Scott and I allowed ourselves the comfort of a cup (or 2) of Joe.  Still praying about that ;-)  

Anyway,  I have to admit that blogging about practicing hospitality has been effected.  (I haven't posted in a week!!)  Even though I try to make the point that practicing hospitality doesn't have to revolve around food, food is a part of it!  I served eggs, veggies, nuts, sweet potato fries and avocado to friends this month.  You know what?  I like the idea of keeping it simple.  I would spend a lot of time looking up recipes or reading cookbooks in order to get ideas and inspiration.  I will still create in the kitchen, but I want to emphasize again that practicing hospitality is welcoming people into your home, not showing off your 'skills'. 

Practicing hospitality comes from the heart first and then the kitchen ;-) 

*7 foods are from 7, an experimental mutiny against excess by Jen Hatmaker.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Feel like rejoicing

This is the day the Lord has made.  I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I don't know about you, but when I look outside at the sun shining I can't help but feel like rejoicing!  My heart is glad today and things are well with my soul.  I don't always feel this way, but I'm feeling it today!  I have a great big "THANK YOU" on the tip of my tongue and I'm giving it to God for His grace!  True, the weather today has given me hope, but mostly it comes from believing in a God who asks us to trust Him and give our burdens to Him.  There is such freedom in letting go!!

Practice hospitality today with hope in your heart and with a free spirit.  Let the sun shine in, turn up the music and get yourself some pretty flowers!  Today is a day for fresh tulips on the table!!  It looks like Spring outside and feels like Spring.  If you can't make it to the store to get yourself some cheerful looking flowers, draw some on the driveway with your kids.  Have a beautiful day, friends:-)

Friday, January 20, 2012


We've been encouraged, as a church, to fast for 21 days.  Fasting is a discipline that can be practiced in many different ways.  The purpose of a fast is to eliminate things in order to make room for God.  I think we'd all agree, no matter what our religious position, that our lives are filled with excess.  Too much food, TV, coffee, Facebook... you name it, we've got it or have access to it and chances are it's keeping us from other things?!  Some enter a fast with serious requests, others wanting to experience more of God and less of the other 'stuff.'

I learned about a book called 7 : An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess, from my friend Aura.  The author is Jen Hatmaker.  The book hasn't even hit the bookstores yet, but Scott and I have viewed enough of the sample pages from chapter 1 on Amazon to know we wanted in!  We decided to accept her challenge to eliminate excess in 7 areas of our lives.  The first area is food!  I hesitate saying too much because, like I said, I haven't even held the book, let alone read it, but I know in my heart I'm ready to do something different.  You can google Jen Hatmaker and find her blog online.  She has a great post about what drove her to write the book.

Fasting and practicing hospitality can be a little tricky, but during these weeks I've enjoyed fellowship more than food and that's an important part of hospitality.  Sometimes we just can't hide behind the Cassoulet, but have to let people in.. to our hearts and minds.  There's nothing wrong with welcoming people in and serving veggies and water, unless they're expecting more.  If they are, I hope you've got your party hat on :-)  Make your friends aware of your situation and go from there. 

My sense is that people are ready to make some changes and the ancient practice of fasting is a great start.  Personally, I have felt stronger and better about myself in denying myself something unhealthy than I would if I just ate it.  I've been tricked into thinking all the excess will make me feel full (physically, emotionally, even spiritually), but really it makes me feel powerless and out of control.

So, don't think this hospitality gal is done serving up cheesy lasagna and cupcakes.  I will eat these things again, but I will always remember this time of 'fasting' and eliminating excess and be glad.  In the remaining weeks, I'll be praying for peace (of pizza! JK!!) in my home and for more vision for this blog.  Thanks for reading... comments are always welcomed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


We took the kids to the IMAX theater at the Palisades Mall yesterday to see an awesome film about orphaned orangutans and elephants.  The movie was called, Born To Be Wild.  It was only 40 minutes long and it was in 3D!  I highly recommend it!!  These baby animals are adorable and the care they are given is inspiring.  It was amazing to see their habitats in Kenya and Indonesia... how different than NJ!!

Scott and the kids were home yesterday for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  I acknowledged the day by reading to them a post from the blog, Babe of my Heart, about character.  One of MLK's famous quotes was sited; "I hope my four little children will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."  The blogger shares a story about a young man's positive attitude and how it gave her such joy to be in his presence.  She said, "Character produces hope." 

Scott and I are trying to raise kids with good character, but sometimes we're discouraged and lack hope, especially when they disobey and fight with each other.  At times like this, we seek wisdom through prayer and God's Word.

The woman in charge of the orangutan rehabilitation center in Indonesia likens her surroundings to
what the Garden of Eden must have been like.  She mentions how our ancestors left, but the animals did not.  She sees such child likeness in her orangutans and it makes her think about how we should be.  She's really talking about their character and it is similar to the young mans' I read about in the blog mentioned above... joyful! 

It's wild out there, but with a good character one will be much more equipped to handle things and will give others hope!  That's what we're working on as a family.  Practicing hospitality is a great way to demonstrate a character of love, service and generosity.  You may not be called to the animals in Kenya or Indonesia, but may have a few of your own to tame and love, right where you are!  Enjoy:-)

Friday, January 13, 2012


Weekends are a great time for practicing hospitality.  I hope you have plans to welcome people in.  Offer some hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows, chocolate shavings and top with whipped cream!  Serve with fresh popped popcorn and/or some cookies.  Whatever you do, I hope you stay warm and cozy and love on others :-)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

OXOX's on toast

I tend to get in a breakfast rut when it comes to feeding the kids before school... cereal and frozen waffles are our staples!  No one really complains, but I like to offer more of a variety.  When I have time, I scramble up some eggs or fry them.  This morning however I served up 'hugs and kisses' on toast!  You know how 'O's and 'X's stand for hugs and kisses?  Well, the circle in the bread was the hug and the bacon 'X' was the kiss.  This was my first attempt and I will keep trying to perfect it.  Next time, I'll lay the bacon on top of the egg instead of under.  Anyway, the kids appreciated my love offering and enjoyed their breakfast.  I thought I was clever and had fun making them :-)  

Wouldn't this be a cute breakfast to serve on Valentine's Day?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hospitality gifts

Happy Tuesday.  We're into our second week of school after the Christmas break and it's been pretty quiet around here.  I probably should be happy about that, but I miss the hospitality happenings of the holidays!  (That's a lot of H's!)  I don't think I shared my Christmas gifts with you... see if you notice a theme?

A shark steamer mop,

a cheerful red teapot,

and a large colander, not a helmet!

Any guesses?  Yes, Scott and the kids were encouraging me to practice hospitality.  BTW, have you tried Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime Vanilla?  It's really nice.  And have you ever made BLT Pasta?  Cook up some penne, add cooked bacon pieces, halved cherry tomatoes, and fresh baby spinach leaves, toss with olive oil and S&P.  Enjoy :-) 

Did you get any hospitality gifts for Christmas?

Thursday, January 5, 2012


I don't think I have a great sense of smell, but I can definitely smell something I don't like coming from our downstairs bathroom!  Before you think I'm gonna get gross, I'll tell you it's a mildew smell, not your typical bathroom smell!  I narrowed the location down to the bathroom this evening as I sniffed around while Caleb was taking a tub.  Someone had to do it!!  I concluded that the smell was coming from the molding near the tub that has gotten wet through the years and has pulled away from the walls.  Maybe that's why it's called molding?!  Yuck!  It really stinks!  Our kitchen pantry shares a wall with this bathroom and I think it's borrowing the smell.  As I sit in the kitchen, I smell it.  I've sprayed Lysol, lit candles and am waiting for Scott to come home so I can tell him about it and make him sniff the floor molding too.  Lucky him. 

So what does this have to do with practicing hospitality?  Please don't think your house has to be perfectly clean when you practice hospitality, but you probably shouldn't have a really stinky bathroom.  If you are welcoming people in, it's always nice to straighten up first and have your house smelling pretty.  I love to vacuum so this is something I do, as well as dust, wipe down kitchen counters, hide all the papers on my desk, wipe down the sink and toilet, clean any mirrors and light some candles.  I also like to have fresh flowers on the kitchen table and nice music playing softly. 

People are coming to see you, but it will make your guests feel special if you've tidied up a bit for them.  It will help them feel more comfortable and relaxed.  And if your event is scheduled and your bathroom is still stinky, you'll at least have something to talk about... who knows, maybe you've invited Mr. or Mrs. Fix-it...if so, send 'em over.  Quickly! ;-)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


When I'm feeling grumpy Scott challenges me to smile for 1 minute.  He thinks that doing so will change my mood.  You know what?  It usually does!  Sometimes my face gets stuck in a grumpy place and needs to be reminded to try a new look :-)  Today I'm smiling because CBS (Community Bible Study) started up again.  We had a 'morning coffee' in the fellowship hall before going to our classrooms. The hall was filled with women... smiling, talking, happy women of all ages who love eachother and God's Word.  It was warm inside, there was the smell of coffee, bakedgoods, and perfume and I just felt happy (and cozy!). 

I think the CBS leaders practice hospitality very well.  Today, I was nourished and refreshed.  I felt welcomed and loved and that's why I am smiling.  If you would like to experience the hospitality of CBS, let me know...

Finally, smile.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions, but I try to think of some goals and areas to improve on. One thought I had was about improving my posture.  After bearing 4 children, my 'core' is pretty weak.  Sad to say I haven't done anything to strengthen this area for years.  You won't find me running off to the gym this year, but sit-ups are definitely in order!  If anything, I'd like to try to be more conscious of how I'm standing and sitting.  I know I need to straighten up!

Speaking of posture, it isn't just the position of my body, but it is also an attitude... a non-verbal way of expressing myself.  When practicing hospitality I need to be aware of my posture... am I slouching (critical, unkind, etc.) or do I have a warm, welcoming posture?   Hopefully the later for my guests' sake!!  Hospitality comes from a heart of love therefore, I must have good posture.

my goofy girls are showing 'bad' posture, don't mess with 'em!
So, how's your posture?  How is your attitude?  Think about how people might feel when they are around you.  Do people feel good around you?  Do they feel 'welcome' in your presence?  Or do you wear a 'do not disturb' sign?  Are you judgemental, disengaged or self-centered?  If so, maybe you'd like to work on your posture with me this year.  I know it will be worth it!  Our physical core and our emotional core both should be strong, especially if we plan on practicing hospitality this year!! 

warm smiles!  great posture boys!!

For further reading about 'posture' check out The Tangible Kingdom written by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay.