Happy New Year.
On Sunday, Rob (pastor of The Plant church) had us look at the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000.* That's not quite the hospitality I'm talking about, but wouldn't that be amazing?! I want to share what stood out for me in this story. Jesus and His disciples had been busy healing the sick, casting out demons and spreading the Good News. They had been surrounded by the crowds for quite some time. Jesus was suggesting some good ol' RR and the 12 disciples were ready. They had been so busy, "they did not even have time to eat." On their way to a "solitary place" the people recognized them and ran after them (picture crazy fans of a popular boy band). Jesus "had compassion" on all those people so He stopped and addressed them. The 12 wanted Him to send them away to the nearby villages to get something to eat... Jesus wanted His closest friends to feed them. What?! I usually carry around some 'clif kid' bars in my purse, but certainly not enough to feed 5,000!! I think the disciples were just as confused. How could their 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish feed so many? Here's the cool part... When the 12 handed Jesus the food they found amongst themselves, Jesus looked up to Heaven and gave thanks. When we think of hospitality, we think of inviting someone in, but in this story I see that hospitality is inviting God in! As Jesus aknowledged His Father in Heaven, God performed a miracle... He multiplied the loaves and fish! When we invite God in, when we aknowledge His presence, we avail ourselves to His power. Now, that's cool!! We may be tired, busy, sick, worried, but if we could just look up and give thanks, in the midst of our "stuff" we will experience a miracle. That miracle may be internal peace that passes understanding or it may be physical healing... God knows what we need. God knew the crowds needed to be fed, but He also knew that the 12 needed to be cared for. After everyone ate and was satisfied, the disciples picked up "12 basketfuls of broken bread and fish." Coincidence? 12 disciples who were hungry, 12 extra basketfuls? God knows what He's doing.
So, as we practice hospitality this year, let's not forget to invite God in. As you sit before a meal, pause and give thanks to the Giver... He has so much to give!!
*Mark 6:30-44 Story of Jesus feeding the 5,000