Monday, February 27, 2012

Southern Hospitality

even the alligators are friendly!

According to Wikpedia "Southern Hospitality is a phrase used in American English to describe the stereotype of residents of the Southern United States as particularly warm and welcoming to visitors to their homes, or to the South in general."

When we visit my parents in Florida (or even my brother and his family in Virginia for that matter) I am always impressed by how friendly everyone is!  Workers in the grocery stores smile and are helpful, gas attendants are nice, retail workers are happy to see you, and strangers look you in the eyes and say "Hello" as they pass you on the street.  I know there are exceptions, but for the most part it feels like one big happy family.

"Some characteristics of Southern hospitality were described as early as 1835, when Jacob Abbott attributed the poor quality of taverns in the South to the lack of need for them, given the willingness of Southerners to provide for strangers.  Abbott writes, 'The hospitality of Southerners is so profuse, that taverns are but poorly supported.  A traveler, with the garb and the manners of a gentleman, finds a welcome at every door... The gentleman of the house sees his approach and is ready upon the steps.'" (Wikpedia)

We can attribute their graciousness to many things... sunny weather, the Bible Belt, upbringing... but, the reality is people are a lot friendlier to strangers in the South.  Stereotypically, Northerners are not warm and welcoming, let alone friendly and helpful.  (Ouch, I'm a Jersey girl!)  Well, no matter where you are from or what your upbringing has been, I encourage you to practice hospitality today because kindness is contagious!  Greet workers with a smile and a kind word; be aware of the person who is serving you or waiting on you and treat him or her with respect; and finally, be ready upon your steps for someone to approach your house (your life!).  Welcome people in.  May God bless you as you do ;-)

be nice, or else!

Friday, February 24, 2012


Home sweet home.  NJ (in February) is no FL, but it is home and there really is no place like home:-) 

Well, we were indulged with love from my parents and spoiled completely.  God blessed us with beautiful weather and my parents blessed us with warm hospitality!  We had a wonderful week.  Taking vacations are good for so many reasons.  As much as we may love 'home' leaving it and all the stuff attached to it behind is good for the mind and heart.  It's good to see new things, be around different people and just change the rhythm of your day. 

making cookies with Grandma... YUM!

pizzas to put on the grill

New thoughts and ideas come to me when I am away from home.  I was inspired by something I saw at the local grocery store and have wheels turning in my head...  Publix has a service/program called "Apron's, Bring your family back to the table." (Love the name! and concept!!)  The store provides a meal suggestion, includes a recipe and then has all the ingredients together in a special area.  They are making it very easy for families to share a meal together.  In a way, they are making it easy for people to practice hospitality :-)  I grew up eating dinner with my parents and brother, in the dining room by candle light, no less.  Now, my family tries to eat together every night (in the kitchen, sometimes with candles).  I do realize however that some families have a hard time making this happen.  The people at Publix realize this too and are trying to do something about it.  Isn't that great?! 

The wheels are turning...

Friday, February 17, 2012

Mom's hospitality

We're headed for some good 'ol hospitality at my Mom and Dad's house.  My mom is the one who passed on my love for welcoming people in and for serving others.  She is gracious, generous and a wonderful cook!  She has a servant's heart and loves me and my family so much.  I am thankful to have her as my mother and hospitality mentor. 

I hope to pass on this gift to my children as well.  I realize however, that true hospitality comes from the heart and my kids will have to be inspired by God, just as I have been.  My mom not only introduced me to hospitality, but most importantly to Jesus.  I have fond childhood memories of going to Bible studies with her, her hosting a VBS in our backyard for the neighbors, Christian music playing in the house, and of course, going to church.  She gave me the greatest gift and now it is with great pleasure that I practice hospitality out of love for God and for His word.  Walking in her footsteps and His!

If you don't hear from me this week, it's because I'm soaking up some hospitality and hopefully some sun!  God bless.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

You are loved with an everlasting love.  Let God draw you to Himself with unfailing kindness.
(from Jeremiah 31:3)

Happy Valentine's Day.  Not only do I get to share love today, but I have the privilege of celebrating my son Jacob's 13th birthday!  Yes, I am the mother of a teenager now!  It's also my good friend Amy's birthday.  Her text to me this morning was, "Happy BIRTHING day."  My response was, "I hope having a teenager isn't as painful..."  She answered, "It does last longer."  Ouch!  We'll see...  I do know that I will continue to love my son and do my best to raise him to be a man after God's own heart.  My gift to Jacob was a study Bible for teens.  My prayer for my young man is that he will make an effort to get to know God more by reading His Word.

Anyway, Valentine's Day is a sweet day for practicing hospitality.  I've been encouraged to read/hear stories about families baking cookies for neighbors for the purpose of sharing love.  'Hearts' made from the heart are the best!  Whatever your thoughts may be about this day, it will be a wonderful day if you love on someone else.  Have fun :-)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The heart

Thanks to my friend Aura, I finally got my hands on the book 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess.  So far so good.  Even though I'm no Jen Hatmaker, I'm Mary Hosier, I appreciate her words and am gearing up for another challenge... I know God is doing a work in my heart and mind and it's time for my 'flesh' (the me, me, me part of me!) to get with the program.  I'm asking myself some tough questions like; Do I really need this _________? Is this what Jesus would say or do?  What am I teaching my children about God by the way I live?  How can I help those around me?

The title for my blog comes from Romans 12:13.  Paul writes, "Share with God's people who are in need.  Practice Hospitality."  In the book of Acts we learn about the early church.  I think the following verses add more meat to Paul's command in Romans.  "They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.  Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.  All the believers were together and had everything in common.  Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.  Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.  They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.  And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." 

Wow!  Now that's practicing hospitality!!  I like how is says, "they ate together with glad and sincere hearts."  Sincere means genuine.  Being without hypocrisy or pretense.  True.  Maybe their hearts were true and without hypocrisy because they sold all their stuff and were free?!  Can you imagine selling all your things?  More importantly, let's not miss the word 'hearts."  It's a heart issue friends.  Remember, practicing hospitality comes from the heart first, then the kitchen.  God cares about our hearts more than He cares about what's for dinner.  What motivates us?  How do we treat others?  Do we love some and judge others? ... More tough questions?

With Valentine's Day approaching... let's ask God to search our hearts.  I know I would like to eat with my family (and others) with a glad and sincere heart.

Monday, February 6, 2012

half-time devo

Congratulations Giant's fans.  It was a good game.  I'm not a big sports fan, meaning I don't have favorite teams.  I think that's because I often feel sorry for the loosing teams.  For this reason, I've never been very competitive.  I  like when every one wins.  I know some of you won't agree with that.  It's kinda wimpy!  I'm gonna give it more thought...

Anyway,  I am passionate about some things and one of those things is practicing hospitality :-)  I had the privilege of giving the half-time devotional for the 3:00 and 4:00 o'clock Upward Basketball games yesterday!  I must have said "Practice Hospitality" almost as much as the singers chanted "Madonna" during the Super Bowl half-time show!  I'm proud to encourage people to open up their hearts and homes to those around them.  We need to be 'others' focused not self-focused.  Let's cheer each other on to welcome people in!  I'll get out my pom-poms for that!!

While I spoke, my lovely Jillian passed out M&M's.  "M&M's make friends."  Remember that jingle?  (I might be dating myself!)  I used the candies as a visual reminder for people to reach out to their neighbors and friends by practicing hospitality.  I then talked about Martha and Mary from Luke chapter 10.  Although Martha practiced hospitality by welcoming Jesus into her home (how cool!) she became distracted by all the preparations while her sister Mary sat at Jesus' feet.  Martha went to Jesus and complained.  Here's a thought... We will always be jealous of those who spend time with Jesus while we've busied ourselves with stuff!!  How do I know this?  Because Jesus tells Martha that Mary has chosen what is better and that it will never be taken from her.  Mary chose a relationship while Martha was worried and upset about 'many things'.  Mary practiced hospitality by spending time with Jesus... listening, learning, talking, laughing?!  

Hospitality comes from the heart.  It has to or else we'll be too stressed out and then feel jealous when everyone else is connecting and having fun.  We all have a lot more to give than fancy food and drink... we have encouraging words, a sense of humor, compassion, wisdom, a good story...   Martha wasn't wrong in wanting to prepare stuff for her guest she just needed to be reminded that when you are in the presence of someone special, don't miss out.  Let us not miss out either.  Grab a pack of M&M's today and practice some hospitality.  Everyone wins!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Super Bowl

It's been fun eating popcorn, cheese, yogurt, pasta .... I could go on, but probably shouldn't ;-)  I'd like to think I'm changed by my 1 month of 7 foods.  Changed in the sense that I'll think more before I feed myself or my family.  Eating naturally just seems, well, so natural.  I don't want to go back to all the processed stuff and to all those choices!  It's all so convenient, but also overwhelming.  I want to keep it simple this year.

With that said, I will be making a big salad for the Super Bowl.  I committed to meatballs too, but I'm not sure how I'm going to make them yet?  Today I was trying to find a scrap paper with a recipe for a marinade for meatballs that you do in the crock pot.  I think you use cranberry sauce in it?! 

I hope you have some hospitality plans for Super Bowl Sunday.  What will you be making?  I know it's a big night for chips and wings and guacamole!  Have fun keeping it simple and healthy.  I'm gonna try!