Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

You are loved with an everlasting love.  Let God draw you to Himself with unfailing kindness.
(from Jeremiah 31:3)

Happy Valentine's Day.  Not only do I get to share love today, but I have the privilege of celebrating my son Jacob's 13th birthday!  Yes, I am the mother of a teenager now!  It's also my good friend Amy's birthday.  Her text to me this morning was, "Happy BIRTHING day."  My response was, "I hope having a teenager isn't as painful..."  She answered, "It does last longer."  Ouch!  We'll see...  I do know that I will continue to love my son and do my best to raise him to be a man after God's own heart.  My gift to Jacob was a study Bible for teens.  My prayer for my young man is that he will make an effort to get to know God more by reading His Word.

Anyway, Valentine's Day is a sweet day for practicing hospitality.  I've been encouraged to read/hear stories about families baking cookies for neighbors for the purpose of sharing love.  'Hearts' made from the heart are the best!  Whatever your thoughts may be about this day, it will be a wonderful day if you love on someone else.  Have fun :-)

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