Scott and I are hosting our second 'Tangible Kingdom' Community Group. We meet on Sunday nights and work through the TK Primer together. If you are not familiar with the book by Hugh Halter and Matt Smay, I highly recommend it. (You may recognize their names from an old post, "Community Group Soup".) Anyway, we shared Communion together last night and for this hospitality gal I love the idea of communion. I love how Jesus uses food and drink, something that we need everyday, to represent Himself. The simple act of eating and drinking is intended to make us pause and think about Jesus and thank Him for His forgiveness and love. Practicing hospitality sets the stage for remembrance and thanksgiving. (Now, I don't always pray with my guests or pause in the middle of a party to thank God. Offering hospitality is an expression of my gratitude for what God has done for me.)
We take Communion every Sunday at The Plant. Two weeks ago, we were reminded of how the Lord's Table is for everyone. Thomas (cool guy facilitating Communion) had us think back to the cafeteria scene in Middle School or High School. For some, the cafeteria was an intimidating place. He talked about how there were designated tables; 1 for the cool-kids, another for the not-so-cool kids ... you get the idea. He wrapped it up by saying that God's Table is for everyone! God practices hospitality on everyone! Not just the cool, athletic, successful, artsy, but also the poor, the brokenhearted, the addicted... everyone! Now that's hospitality!!
When you invite people in and gather around the table I encourage you to pause... remember the Lord and thank Him for all your blessings. As you sit with your family for dinner (and I hope you do :-) ) take a minute to think about Jesus and thank Him. Jesus used something as regular as eating a meal to teach us about what is truly important...
I loved sharing communion with you last night :) Thanks for opening up your home to us!
Thanks Megan. I love our group and am so happy you are in it!! Then offer still stands to cut out lion faces... :-)
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