Friday, September 6, 2013

Back To School

I saw a funny 'first day of school' picture on Pinterest... kids standing tall, dressed nicely, smiling, backpacks on, lunch boxes in hand, hair brushed and there is mom.....jumping for joy behind the neat bunch!!  I can relate to that mom, whoever she is?!  As much as I love my kids and enjoyed a fun-filled summer, this day brings a bit of excitement for me too!!  All 4 of my precious ones are in school... all day.  It's been many years since I have had the house to myself during the school year.

Caleb is ready for First Grade

5th Grade, 9th Grade,7th they come!

So, with a little time on my hands I feel inspired to write again!!  And what has inspired me today is the same thing that inspired me the last time I posted which was April 18th!!  I wrote about an organization in Ridgewood called Family Promise, a temporary homeless shelter for families.  Well, this weekend Scott and I are going to help a church in Ramsey that will be hosting families from Family Promise.  In preparation to do so, I read from a FP handbook which included some rules, regulations and tips.  On the last page I read an article called, "Client's Attitude vs. Volunteer's Expectation of Gratitude."  It was so helpful and profound.  The main point is that gratitude emanates from a sense of humility and humility takes trust.  So often, people who find themselves in a tough spot deal with some shame and may have a hard time building trust because they are around so many different volunteers.  As a result, when giving help to someone in need he/she may come across as ungrateful or unfriendly.  The article encourages the volunteer to be sensitive and not expect a lot in return, but to focus on the positives.  When we focus on the positives we help preserve some one's dignity which then allows the person to feel better about him/herself which increases the level of trust which then permits him/her to express their gratitude.  Wow!  That's a chain of events!!  And I am enlightened!!

Little did I know that practicing hospitality in a positive way could actually empower someone who might be struggling.  When we practice hospitality, on the homeless or on our own families, let's remember that we're dealing with people who need our love and acceptance as much as they need our good food :)

Have a wonderful weekend and don't forget to open your heart and your home.


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