Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hospitality book

If you've found your way to my blog via The Plant Church's website you may have already found Thomas Turner's blog Everyday Liturgy (www.everydayliturgy.com) .  If you are a friend of mine and haven't visited The Plant's website and its blogs, check them out.  Why?  Because Thomas' most recent post is a review for a mini book about... guess what???  HOSPITALITY!!  And I didn't write it!  Apparently the editors at Paraclete Press beat me to it.  They have compiled some personal accounts of practicing hospitality and are calling the book The Paraclete Book of Hospitality.  I haven't read it, but you can bet I will!  I am happy to know there are more hospitality minded people out there who feel it's worth getting the message in print about the importance of practicing Biblical hospitality.  So, keep your eyes out for this book and for more posts from yours truly ;-) 

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