Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I didn't think I would get to 'blog' today because I was running around this morning, getting ready for Jillian's Halloween party at school, and then our power went out again and was out for a good part of the afternoon.  Many people are still without power and schools continue to stay closed.  It's pretty crazy.  My plan was to encourage you to practice hospitality this Halloween, but for us in the North East, it wasn't your typical day.  I've heard that some towns have postponed trick-or-treating until the weekend because power lines and trees are down and lights are out! 

I am not a big Halloween fan, but I am a big fan of my neighborhood... we live on a very friendly street where everyone knows each other.  It's pretty special.  Anyway, Scott went out with the kids and I stayed in with my lovely mother-in-law (who has been without power since Saturday!) and my sister-in-law.  Practicing hospitality with family is important too!  I try not to take them for granted. 

So, whatever your day looked like, I hope you were able to practice hospitality in some form or another... sitting with family, walking through your neighborhood or handing out candy with a smile.  And if you don't know your neighbors, maybe you could make a point of introducing yourself to them soon, I'm sure they'd love you ;-)  Finally, if your Halloween was postponed, you still have time to plan a party! (just kidding)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

1st snow

The snow really came!  Turned out to be quite a 'storm' with lots of tree damage and trees causing damage!!  Church was cancelled as a result of the conditions outside.  As I was lying in bed this morning I was thinking about how the church is also called, "The House of God" and how church is a place for us to be refreshed; a place to feel welcomed and nourished.  I know that without God's hospitality towards me, I would have a hard time offering it to others.  I am thankful for God's grace this day... for His protection from the storm and for His love everyday, no matter what the weather!  I hope you are experiencing God's hospitality towards you today.   

Stay warm and enjoy the snow :-)

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Happy Saturday.  We're getting ready for some snow!  I had to pull out the hats, scarfs and gloves!!   

Weekends are for practicing hospitality.  Wishing you a fun day, whatever you do.  I'd love to hear about your plans. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

My fall

    I just totally WIPED OUT coming up our porch steps on my way back from dropping off Caleb.  All the way down!  Actually hurt myself!  Will probably have a big-'ol bruise on my left hip kind of fall.  OUCH.  I don't think anyone saw me (Thank God), but felt embarrassed just the same.  Embarrassed and wounded... not a good combination. 

    Jillian and I saw a young man fall yesterday.  Lots of people saw him and he really almost got hit by a car.  It was scary.  I bet he was embarrassed and wounded too.  But then again, aren't we all?  It doesn't take hitting the pavement (personally or seeing someone else) for me to realize we all need someone to catch us, comfort us.  So, once I picked myself off my driveway, I hobbled inside, cried and told God how I was feeling.  I know I'm not stupid, that I'm not a bad mom, that I have work to do, but that I'm not a failure.  It's okay to fall and look silly.  Then Scott walked in the door.  I told him my story.  I got sympathy of course, but if you know Scott, you'd know that he had me laughing about it.  He made me feel like it was okay.

    So, I choose to wipe off my 'I feel sorry for myself face' and replace it with a little grin that means I know someone cares about me.  Also, I pray that the young man I saw fall went home to a place where someone loves him.

    As we start the weekend, can you think of someone who has 'fallen' and could really use some of your warm hospitality?  Let's open our hearts and our homes this weekend...  practice hospitality.

     Now, I'm gonna take an Advil! :-)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Tech difficulty?!

    Some of you have told me that you are having trouble leaving a comment... I am trying to figure out why.  I changed something in my 'comment settings' related to the comment form placement.  Let's see if it helps?!  Thanks for your patience.  I am, however, getting messages on FB and sooo appreciate them.  Don't give up because we're gonna have fun here :-) 
    Thanks and enjoy your day. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scott made soup

I wish I thought of it earlier... a picture of Scott chopping veggies, boiling chicken... making chicken soup at 9:30 PM last night.  He's not a novice in the kitchen, but I definitely do most of the cooking.  I guess all those years in the deli business did him in:-)  Anyway, he was quite a sight and I must say made a very good Chicken Soup.  Caleb had seconds for lunch today!

Do you have any ideas about how you and your spouse could practice hospitality together this week?  It doesn't have to be about making soup:-)

Last minute addition:  my daughters (Jillian and Karalyn) made sugar pumpkins at their GEMS Club last night using candy orange slices.  This picture is Jillian's pumpkin.  Cute!!  Try making this with your kids and sharing it together or with a family in your neighborhood:-)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Good Morning.  It sure is pretty out there today.  I love Fall, don't you?  I find when the weather gets cooler, I get cozier and by that I mean jeans, sweaters, pretty scarfs, boots... Also, my house seems cozier too.  The scent of spice candles fills the rooms, blankets on the couch and the crock pot comes out!  I made onion soup yesterday with my son Jacob.  If you don't mind the watery eyes, onion soup is really easy to make and tastes so good with a thick slice of bread with melted cheese on top.  YUM!

Soups are great for sharing.  Practice hospitality today by making a big pot of soup.  Think of someone to invite over or just drop some off at their house with a note telling them why they are special to you.

One last thing, I'd love to hear about your soup.  Please write me a comment:-)  Thanks.