Friday, October 28, 2011

My fall

    I just totally WIPED OUT coming up our porch steps on my way back from dropping off Caleb.  All the way down!  Actually hurt myself!  Will probably have a big-'ol bruise on my left hip kind of fall.  OUCH.  I don't think anyone saw me (Thank God), but felt embarrassed just the same.  Embarrassed and wounded... not a good combination. 

    Jillian and I saw a young man fall yesterday.  Lots of people saw him and he really almost got hit by a car.  It was scary.  I bet he was embarrassed and wounded too.  But then again, aren't we all?  It doesn't take hitting the pavement (personally or seeing someone else) for me to realize we all need someone to catch us, comfort us.  So, once I picked myself off my driveway, I hobbled inside, cried and told God how I was feeling.  I know I'm not stupid, that I'm not a bad mom, that I have work to do, but that I'm not a failure.  It's okay to fall and look silly.  Then Scott walked in the door.  I told him my story.  I got sympathy of course, but if you know Scott, you'd know that he had me laughing about it.  He made me feel like it was okay.

    So, I choose to wipe off my 'I feel sorry for myself face' and replace it with a little grin that means I know someone cares about me.  Also, I pray that the young man I saw fall went home to a place where someone loves him.

    As we start the weekend, can you think of someone who has 'fallen' and could really use some of your warm hospitality?  Let's open our hearts and our homes this weekend...  practice hospitality.

     Now, I'm gonna take an Advil! :-)

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