Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Scott made soup

I wish I thought of it earlier... a picture of Scott chopping veggies, boiling chicken... making chicken soup at 9:30 PM last night.  He's not a novice in the kitchen, but I definitely do most of the cooking.  I guess all those years in the deli business did him in:-)  Anyway, he was quite a sight and I must say made a very good Chicken Soup.  Caleb had seconds for lunch today!

Do you have any ideas about how you and your spouse could practice hospitality together this week?  It doesn't have to be about making soup:-)

Last minute addition:  my daughters (Jillian and Karalyn) made sugar pumpkins at their GEMS Club last night using candy orange slices.  This picture is Jillian's pumpkin.  Cute!!  Try making this with your kids and sharing it together or with a family in your neighborhood:-)


aura said...

go scott!! did you do most of the cleaning up mar?? :) i bet the soup was worth it:) love the pumpkin idea the girls made !! yay gems!!

Alexa said...

What a sweet picture of Caleb! He looks so big!