Thursday, March 15, 2012

Nightstand stack

A few posts ago I mentioned a little hospitality book called The Paraclete Book of Hospitality.  Well, I got my hands on it!  I ordered it from the Paraclete Press website.  While there, I noticed another book called Radical Hospitality.  Isn't that an intriguing title?!  I thought so, so I ordered that one too!  They both arrived the other day.  Now, I'm in a dilemma.  A week ago I was craving a new book and now I have 3!  That's a good problem to have ;-)

Anyway, here are a few thoughts to ponder, coming from my nightstand stack...

"Hospitality is the way we learn to really love; it is the way out of our brooding fears and broken hearts." (pg. 68 Radical Hospitality)
(Wow!  Who knew practicing hospitality was the solution to our fears and other struggles?!)

"Opening our hearts to others requires honesty - with others, and with ourselves." (pg. 49 Paraclete Book of Hospitality) 
(People want to know how much you care, before they care how much you know idea..)

"In truth, when done correctly, sacrilege will allow you to relax spiritually, exhale, and begin to come alive, becoming more real in your faith and in your way of being with others." (pg. 32 Sacrilege)
(sounds like hospitality to me)

"Radical hospitality means accepting the person with no thought of personal benefit." (pg. x of intro. Radical Hospitality)
(this means accepting ALL people!)

I have many more pages to read, but am feeling encouraged already.  Hospitality takes courage, as you may have noticed, based on the quotes above.  Hope you are encouraged too!

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