Friday, February 24, 2012


Home sweet home.  NJ (in February) is no FL, but it is home and there really is no place like home:-) 

Well, we were indulged with love from my parents and spoiled completely.  God blessed us with beautiful weather and my parents blessed us with warm hospitality!  We had a wonderful week.  Taking vacations are good for so many reasons.  As much as we may love 'home' leaving it and all the stuff attached to it behind is good for the mind and heart.  It's good to see new things, be around different people and just change the rhythm of your day. 

making cookies with Grandma... YUM!

pizzas to put on the grill

New thoughts and ideas come to me when I am away from home.  I was inspired by something I saw at the local grocery store and have wheels turning in my head...  Publix has a service/program called "Apron's, Bring your family back to the table." (Love the name! and concept!!)  The store provides a meal suggestion, includes a recipe and then has all the ingredients together in a special area.  They are making it very easy for families to share a meal together.  In a way, they are making it easy for people to practice hospitality :-)  I grew up eating dinner with my parents and brother, in the dining room by candle light, no less.  Now, my family tries to eat together every night (in the kitchen, sometimes with candles).  I do realize however that some families have a hard time making this happen.  The people at Publix realize this too and are trying to do something about it.  Isn't that great?! 

The wheels are turning...

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